Friday 15 January 2010

What we have done so far.

So far in our media lessons we have; chosen our groups, as I was new to the class this year, I wasn’t going to be able to work with the same people that I did last year, so I talked to the group and ended up making anew group, which consisted of, Charlotte Low, Bobbi Gosen and me. I was happy in the group as I was already friends with the girls and I knew we would all be able to come up with quite a few good ideas.

We where given many options on what to do our media project on, things from documentaries, to films, trailer, radio adverts and music videos. We chose music video as we believed it would be entertaining, more original, a bit of a challenge, but also the fact that its something new, unlike the opening to a movie that we did last year, we had no experience, and I believed I would enjoy learning this as a new skill. Our second challenge came when we discovered that we would be unable to use commercial music for this video, meaning we could have to find an un signed act, that would be willing to give us permission, who we all liked enough to be in our video. Luckily enough one of my friends was in a band, Tramp Etiquette, so I suggested it to the group and we had a look at their myspace and decided that we all liked the song that was on their playlist ‘cheater’ so I emailed the band and managed to set up a meeting. This was set for the 8th of October, which then gave us two weeks to start finalising our ideas.

We first decide to get a copy of the lyrics and a copy of the song, we then spent a few hours making notes of timings on the songs and brain storming ideas, we also looked at pre existing music videos that where of a similar genre, there myspace is quoted saying “Everything you love, but slightly better!!!! It's not for us to tell you who we sound like - that's entirely a matter for you, so feel free to paint your own influences and references on the Tramp Etiquette Sound. Alright, we're a blend of Girls Aloud and Dumpy's Rusty Nuts. But no doubt that'll change next week.” So we took from this the inishitive to look at those music videos, which all included the band singing in them, so we decided to have the band sinning and playing during the chorus and the then two characters acting out the story. We then wanted to know what reactions this would have, so we set up a question air, which you can see below.

We then looked at the results, analysed them, then we all came up with lots of ideas, but put them all together to produce the plan that you see below.

Then a much more detailed filming plan (detailed plan).

We then met with the band, showed them our idea’s and listened to see what they thought, they didn’t come up with many changes and seemed enthusiastic, they did manage to put us in contact with someone to play the role of the boyfriends though. Now our cast was complete;
Girl friend – Harriet Gisbourne
Boy friend – Eammon Borg-Neal
Other Man – Tom Baker.

We also set filming dates with them and a schedule of what we where going to be doing, we also requested a permission email from them, to confirm that it was ok for us to use their song;

The schedule we came up with consisted on filming the band on the 11th October, 12-5 then filming the actors on 29th October, this also gave us time to digitise and editing the footage of the band previously to filming the actors, meaning it would be a smaller task to complete. We also set props and location.

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